Julia Fernandez Moreno Julia Fernandez Moreno

How to build inner strength and resilience during divorce

Divorce can be an extremely challenging and stressful time, and it can be emotionally draining, leaving you feeling like you don't have the strength to keep going.

Resilience gives people the strength to tackle difficult situations like divorce, overcome heartache, and move on with their lives. So, resilience is an important skill you can build during your divorce to help you get through this tough time and make you stronger.

Being resilient means that you are able to respond to the challenge you are facing, while remaining calm and in control in the process, in a way that not just helps you survive but also bounce back.

In this blog, I share some tips on how to build your inner strength and resilience.

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Julia Fernandez Moreno Julia Fernandez Moreno

Breaking the news: how to tell family and friends about your divorce

When you make the difficult decision to divorce, sharing the news with your family and friends can be daunting. It’s natural to worry about their reactions and make assumptions about how they will respond. However, while you can’t control their reactions, you can control how and when you communicate the news. With some planning and preparation, you can take control of the conversation and reduce the anxiety involved.

If you have decided it’s time to break the news, this blog post gives you some helpful tips.

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Julia Fernandez Moreno Julia Fernandez Moreno

10 Healthy tips to cope with stress during separation and divorce

Stress usually happens when you find yourself in a situation you cannot control or feel under pressure or threatened.

Most of us are used to experiencing some stress in our daily lives. A small amount of stress can be positive to move you forward, but there is also a type of stress that can be damaging and affect you mentally and physiologically. This is characterised by being intense or lasting for a long time. That’s the kind of stress that you may encounter when facing a divorce.

Divorce is rated as one of the most stressful experiences you could have in your life. It’s a significant life transition involving considerable changes. Whether the decision to end the relationship was yours, mutual or out of your hands, or whether the process is amicable or contentious, it can be a stressful and painful journey.

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Julia Fernandez Moreno Julia Fernandez Moreno

Will the new "no-fault" divorce law lead to more amicable divorces?

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 becomes the new divorce law in England and Wales from 6 April 2022. It is the most significant reform in divorce legislation in the last 50 years. In addition to implementing a new divorce process, this new legislation removes the ability to make allegations of blame, hence being called the “no-fault” divorce law. For the first time, it allows couples to end their marriage jointly by submitting a joint application. The possibility of contesting the divorce, other than for legal reasons, has also been removed.

Most divorce experts believe that the new no-fault divorce will lead to more amicable divorces. I agree that it is a step in the right direction. The removal of fault is likely to translate into a less acrimonious start to the process. It can be the pathway to setting the right tone from the very beginning to incentivise a friendly resolution. However, is this enough for couples to achieve an amicable divorce?

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