7 Tips for learning to trust again after separation and divorce
As a result of the ending of your marriage, you may be questioning everything and become less trusting as a form of self-protection. This mistrust can show up in different ways. You may feel you need to be dishonest or secretive (or that the other person is), or you may often doubt whether the other person is going to keep their promises, or you believe that the only person you can rely on is yourself, or you may even become dependable on someone else because you don’t trust your own judgment or decisions anymore.
If you wish to:
have better relationships and avoid reacting with fear and suspicion,
heal and recover from betrayal, and
stop doubting yourself and regain your confidence
you will need to take steps to learn to trust again, so I’m sharing some tips to help you.
How to thrive as a single mum after separation or divorce
Following your separation or divorce, the family dynamics will have changed. If dad is no longer at home, you may have sole responsibility for your children’s care whilst they are with you.
You may find this new parenting situation overwhelming, especially at the very beginning when trying to adjust to your new reality. The change can feel stressful as you are raising your children at home on your own without the support from your ex. You may still be grieving and dealing with the aftermath of your separation or divorce whilst trying to build your new way of life. Day to day domestic chores, work demands, financial worries and the need to safeguard and care for your children during this new episode of your life can put a strain on your well-being.